The 53,900 Victorinox Rescue Tool Swiss Army Knife Product Review

E 'already won, "Knife of the Year" IWA International Knife Award for the year 2007. This prestigious award is presented annually to the IWA & Outdoor Classics show. The IWA International Knife Award has become an expression of international quality and innovation.

The Victorinox Rescue Tool is innovative and imaginative as one would expect that would be a boxcutter Switzerland. The Rescue Tool has come after five years of collaboration between Victorinox and emergency medical and rescue teams.Extensive research, field testing and refinement will be conducted in a product used to save countless lives.

You do not even need a firefighter, paramedic or police officers appreciate this new knife lockblade. The Rescue Tool is a case of red and yellow nylon that a wide belt loop that fits most belts. The sides of the blade body are themselves bright yellow and hard when the pocket to lose.

Theimpressive use of the Rescue Tool is the ability to shake up the way to go find proof glass on cars. The instrument is a switch box that a small core oho powerful. This little tip allows a rescuer to three or four good shots on a car windshield to operate. Then he saw the instrument of the disc can be pushed through the glass at the start "cutting" of the glass. A large area of a windshield of safety for easy access to a person in a car if you can not go fast, it will be removedbeyond the usual door car.

A circular knife safety belt is included in the price, which he used to cut in half belt when it might be necessary. Most of the tools that may be needed for the quick thinking and immediate action is accessible even when wearing gloves. Both left and right hand you will find this a most convenient tool to use.

Overall, the Rescue Tool is a good selection of tools to keep in car glove box in case of emergency. A New Twist on an old classic – the Swiss ArmyKnife!